Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kickin' Off 2011 with Connie & Jim

We kicked off 2011 with the fabulous wedding of Jim and Connie. This wedding was amazing in so many ways. We got to shoot in Pattonville's Firehouse, where Jim is Battalion Chief....we got to witness the joining of two incredible families. Something a little personal to me (Lisa) is Connie is a life long friend of my sister in laws, when she mentioned she wanted a little fur to wear for outside photos...I jumped at the chance to let her borrow my grandmothers. I know furs are so not "PC" right now, but this one is over 40 years old and belonged to my grandmother who we lost at too young of an age. To see it on Connie and to have it captured in touched me greatly.

Onto the beautiful, snow covered wedding day......

I was happy when Connie asked if we could bring our little chalkboard....and incorporating her "thoughts of the day" Peace, Love and Happiness!

We love this image of the whole family (9 kiddos...if your counting) enjoying the head table together.
Connie and was an honor to be there to capture your day and celebrate with you. Much love!!
Lisa and Kelly
**Side Note** Kelly and I had the awesome experience to work with Kim Neff on this wedding, she worked as our second shooter....and she fit in so perfectly. Can't wait to have Kim along on some of our other weddings this year.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chad & Amber - The Proposal

When we got the call from Chad asking if we would photograph his proposal to his beautiful girlfriend Amber, we were ecstatic. It was our first ever "proposal" shoot (hopefully not the last). Chad and I talked off and on for weeks working out the details. It was really sweet the amount of thought and effort he put into this. He knew he wanted to do it during a tour at AB because Amber loves horses and AB is known for it's Clydesdale's.

Kelly and I were to go on the same tour and approach them at the very beginning...introduce ourselves as "photography students" and ask if they would allow us to take photos of them during the tour. Amber was soooo sweet about it.

We had so much fun and it was really a new experience shooting 100% photojournalistic...but we LOVED what we got and at the end we feel like the images totally tell the story of this amazing couples day.

As you can see we had snow, we think it totally added to the magical element of the day :)

The "BIG" moment....Chad had arranged ahead of time for the tour guides to bring us back into the stable area. And that is where is all "went down" :)

Amber was shocked...ha cute. I think she said "Are you kidding me right now??" Love it.

And she says "YES"

The newly engaged couple...cute as can be.

Chad and Amber, Kelly and I were thrilled to be there to capture this amazing moment. We can not wait to celebrate with you next year!! Enjoy the "engagement" :)
Lisa & Kelly

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Sample of Our Amazing 2010 Couples!!

Kelly and I are so excited to show everyone some of our amazing couples from 2010. We knew after working together on these awesome weddings that we could not imagine doing this "dream" job with anyone else. We are so excited for our 15 weddings this year...we have the such GREAT couples for 2011. Be sure to check back often to see what we have in store :)

XOXO - Lisa & Kelly