Monday, January 23, 2012

My Turn :) Fun Fabulous Outtakes of Kelly in 2011

It is my turn to gush about my better half in the biz, Kelly. We both had our own folders of outtakes and I am excited to share mine. Kelly is my rock in this business, from the outside being a Photographer probably looks like sunshine and rainbows but truly it is TOUGH. I love photography with my whole heart and it is my passion, but there are many many days that if I didn't have Kelly I probably would of quit. She keeps me sane, helps me to realize that I am not the only one going through the challenges of being a business owner. But most of all she is my biggest cheerleader. I try to always support my friends in the business with kind words and encouraging comments because I honestly love their work. Kelly does that for me and it means so much. I am so very lucky to have her support, her skill and talent along side me for every single wedding. We like to say that shooting a wedding is so much fun for us. Because not only do we get to capture one of the most important day in a couples life but we get to spend the day hanging with a best friend. It doesn't get any better than that :)

Here are some of my favorite outtakes of Kelly.......

This picture cracks me up, we were secretly photographing a proposal. We were playing the part of photography students and I think we were as nervous as our groom to be :)

Love this girl!! 

Kel is always very popular with the groomsmen :) And why not.....she is gorgeous, has a mega-watt smile and makes everyone she encounters feel comfortable and at ease.

Playing in traffic, laying in tick infested weeds...climbing walls. She will do anything to get the perfect shot.

This picture isn't a wedding outtake...but I love it and had to post it because personifies our wacky personalities :)

We love Kimmie! And we love it even more when she is able to come and be our
3rd shooter at Weddings :)

I love this! We have soda in those glasses and this is our "I wish this was wine" look :)

We were so lucky to have Kim operate a "Photobooth" for us at Kate and Chris's wedding. It was a blast and a HUGE hit and something we hope we can do more of in 2012. We of course had to have our turn in the booth at the end of the night. I can't look at these without totally cracking up. Love my girls!!

Kelly Girl,
I can't thank you enough for your friendship, support, humor and encouragement. This business can be kind of lonely and knowing I found my Photo BFF makes me one lucky gal! I LOVE having you as my
partner in this business. Your friendship is one of my greatest blessings. I am still amazed
constantly at how similar our lives are. We were meant to be on this journey together, no doubt in my mind.
Much love my friend!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A 2011 Look At My Better Half In This Biz :)

I have never been shy about my adoration for my partner.  She's the first official St. Louis Photog that I met.  She was in one of my photography classes, and she had been in business for nearly a year when she asked me a Photoshop question one day.  She was kind and sweet, and there was something about her that I instantly felt a connection to.  She was just one of those souls that you want to be around, because she always made me feel like I was a peer (and that's a rare thing in this biz), and because she was always so willing to share anything she learned or thought that I will benefit from.

In actuality, she adds a lot to my life.  She's so fun to hang with, she is a fantastic listener, and she is a big part of why I love my job so much.  She's pretty much a perfect friend and partner.

Oh, I left one thing out that means the world to me in a friendship . . . she makes me laugh . . . a lot.  So much so, that I will often be wiping tears off my face from the gutteral laughs she has created, from one of our venting sessions.

What do we vent about . . . pretty much life's various annoyances.  But Lisa, has this gift for making annoying life situations absolutely flippin' hilarious.

I love that about her.

Anyway, we worked A LOT together in 2011, and as I look back on these shots from our year of working together they give me a happy feeling.  Happy because I'm so lucky to have a partner I love to work with, who accepts me for me, who always compliments me on my work, and who is a wonderfully talented photog.

Here's my dear friend and partner, in living color (and black & white) (in no particular order), doing what she was meant to do - shoot wonderful and awesome couples with Kelly Ferguson . . .

 Yes, we work very closely together.

I laughed-out-loud when I was going through these shots from this wedding,
and saw that face looking back at me between those two dancing faces.

Leading The Pack

 Well, how about that?
Yin & Yang Photogs reflecting in that ring!

 Here's a perfect glimpse of that crazy Girlie that makes me laugh until I'm crying.

Doing her best to get out of my shot.

I got this from all the way across a church, and it's grainy and not very clear, but it's what I'm greeted with a lot.  Lisa's smiling happy face.  :)

 These two shots remind me of pages from one of those GoldBug or Where's Waldo? books.
Who can find Lisa first?  lol

 Being my test subject.

 Always looking for new angles.

 Who's hands could those be???

 Look who's watching a few feet behind me in the wheel shot?

 Lisa The Party Girl :)

  Kim is our fantastic back-up on bigger weddings :)

Dear Sista-From-Another-Mista,

Thank you for being the best partner/friend I could ever ask for.
You are the Yin to my Yang
(from a detail standpoint among other things),
and I would not do weddings without you.
I cherish what we have in work and in friendship,
and I truly thank God for bringing you into my life.

The Biggest Hug Ever,