Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jessica & Kevin Part 1!!

As we had anticipated, the details of Jessica & Kevin's day were numerous and amazing!  From the girls getting ready at the Four Seasons downtown, to their reception that was filled with more details than we can possibly begin to name, we were completely blown away by what was clearly months of heartfelt planning and attention to detail.  Coupled with all of those incredible details, we had one amazing day of blue skies and mild Fall weather to help us capture the memories of their incredible day.

Here's a glimpse of the first half of their unforgettable day of happiness . . .

Dear Jessica & Kevin,
Hope you got pure enjoyment
and smiles over your look at
Part 1 of your unforgettable day.
The best is yet to come!!!
Kelly & Lisa


  1. OMG! So excited to see these-AMAZING!!! Kelly & Lisa you ladies were great and we are so happy that you were able to capture our big day! Thank you for all that you do!!!

  2. Really fantastic! We were/are overjoyed and privileged to have a friend be so actively involved in our memories. Thank you so much.
