Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mary & Craig - Happily Ever After

**Post by Lisa**
I have been sitting here for 15 minutes thinking about what to write, nothing I come up with seems adequate enough. The beautiful Bride Mary is my best friend, has been for over 30 years. We have been through so much together in those 30 years...enough to write a novel. Mary deserves this day and deserves an amazing man like Craig so very much. They are perfect for each other and compliment each other so well. I am so happy my best friend is married a man that is her best friend.
They got married in September and I am just getting around to posting these, thank you guys for being so patient. The wedding took place at Persimmon Ridge Winery. The weather was perfect, Mary was gorgeous and the happy couple were surrounded by the people most important to them.


My beautiful Goddaughter Jacquelyn who is also Mary's daughter was just stunning! Abby was so excited to have a part in the wedding, she did a great job researching and finding a verse to read for them.

Handsome boys :)

A beautiful sand ceremony to signify the joining of two beautiful families. I still can't believe they are a family of SEVEN now.

I love both of you so much!! I am so happy I was the one there capturing these
happy moments. I wouldn't want it to be anyone other than me. I am so happy for you and I
can't wait to continue to watch you two grow in your love for each other.

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